It’s no secret that eating healthy has become more and more difficult. It’s almost like you need to become a nutrition coach or get a degree as a nutritionist. The reality is that our food supply has become increasingly toxic and overly processed. Much of our fruits and vegetables have been depleted of nutrients they once offered due to over-farming and GMOs. Add to that our busy lifestyles which have created the demand and availability of fast food. Let’s just say that it’s extremely easy to eat bad food; it’s difficult to eat healthy food.
Simplify The Process With A Nutrition Coach
As a Certified Nutrition Coach, I’m here to help you simplify your path to healthy eating. From assessing and solving shopping pitfalls, to providing meaningful substitutes for unhealthy snacks, and even providing delicious, healthy, low-calorie recipes, I’d love to be a part of your journey.
I’ve reached out to experts, researched and studied alternatives. The good news is that nutritional science is making great progress to overcome these damaging trends.
My research has shown me that the most beneficial progress has been made in these areas: safe, clean and effective sourcing and formulation of products containing essential vitamins and minerals from whole foods, botanics and efficacious protein (especially whey); supplementation (plant-based); dietary dosing (taking guesswork out of portions); healthy aging – you WON’T BELIEVE what science has uncovered; alternatives to unhealthy, even dangerous, energy drinks; and fitness performance – so many unknowns about trendy products.
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