Life is short. Carpe diem. Seize the day. No better time like the present. We’ve heard all the oft-used phrases meant to emphasize the importance of NOW. They’re great, sure. But, how useful are they, really?
If you are like many people, when you look in the mirror, each day, you conjure thoughts of failure, shortcomings, guilt or shame. If you’re one of those people, what good will seizing those thoughts bring? It certainly will not result in everything the day could have been…the WOW!
I’ve mentioned the need to build and nurture a positive mindset in the past. However, getting there takes an additional step for many – self-forgiveness. I’m not referring to a religious exercise, although if that is what you need, great. What I’m suggesting is that every night before you go to bed, forgive yourself and others for failures, whatever they might be. If you don’t, you will wake up – if you could sleep, at all – with guilt, shame, self-doubt.
So, you need to forgive yourself for whatever you did, or failed to do that day, week, month or year. Nobody is perfect. We all fail. So forgive yourself before you go to sleep. Then, wake up in the morning and start your day right with a positive affirmation, prayer, an inspirational quote, etc. that aligns with your life’s vision.
Make foregiveness a normal and powerful part of building your mindset. You will find it’s easier to forgive others when you first forgive yourself. It will bring you peace and allow you to live the WOW! NOW.